Helping event organizers and venues generate additional revenue via turn-key brand partnerships.

List your opportunities for free to start generating partnership revenue.


We Work With All Types Of Events & Venues

University Housing

Apartment & Condo

Drive-In Movies

Holiday Drive-Thru

Haunted House

Endurance Race

5k Run

Youth Sports

Ski Mountain

Trails & Hiking

Botanical Garden


Music Festival

Farmers Market

Flea Market

Beer Festival

Food Festival

Retail Worker

Pumpkin Patch

Holiday Tree Farms

Audience Reach
Brand Partnerships Booked

Types of Brand Partnership Opportunities

You Distribute Brand Products & Items

Distribute products to your audience at your event, venue or location. Your audience will enjoy the freebie, while you take advantage of the low-lift extra revenue.

Offer On-Site Activation Space for Brands

Have on-site activation space for your upcoming event? Post your event details on Recess and watch offers from potential brand partners roll in.

Video Wall Promotion

Offers brands the opportunity to play a video clip or promotion via a jumbotron or big screen at your event.

How it Works


List your brand partnership opportunity for free and set your own pricing


Brands will discover your opportunities and submit offers. You can accept or reject offers.


Recess platform provides a centralized process making contracts, coordination, and fulfilment easy.


Your brand opportunity happens at your event or venue.


You will complete a recap and receive payment.

Brand Partnership Highlights

Join the thousands of events and venues working with brand partners via Recess

Start attracting sponsors today

Who Do We Work With?


From music festivals to small carnivals, events can connect with brand partners that are interested in reaching event attendees.

"With Recess, we were able to connect with sponsors quickly and integrate them into our events seamlessly."

at Rugged Races


Whether you're a ski resort, or a college hangout spot, join venues leveraging our platform to gain paid brand partnership deals.

"Recess makes it so easy to generate extra income and streamline all of the logistics. Would highly recommend taking 2m to list on their platform!"

at Silverlake Flea Market

Brands & Agencies

From startups to big enterprises, our experiential partnership opportunities - including turnkey sampling and on-site brand activations, are leveraged by field, retail, and brand marketing teams.

"Recess allows us to reach more consumer through their turn-key sampling without spending as much time or money."

VP of Marketing
at Brownie Brittle

Join the thousands of events and venues working with brand partners via Recess

Start attracting sponsors today